Two Professors Honored for Teaching Excellence

Fier, Liebenberg show exceptional dedication to preparing students

Two University of Mississippi risk management and insurance program faculty members have earned awards for their commitment to creating a culture of academic excellence in their classrooms.


Stephen Fier

Stephen Fier, holder of the Liberto-King Professorship in Insurance and assistant professor of finance, received the UM School of Business Administration’s Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award for 2015. Andre P. Liebenberg, Robertson Chair of Insurance and associate professor of finance, was honored with the American Risk and Insurance Association Excellence in Teaching Award at ARIA’s global conference in Germany.

Fier said his award is a testament to the rigorous, high-quality education the Ole Miss RMI program offers its students.

“I’ve always taken pride in the fact that the SBA and the Ole Miss RMI program recognize the importance of academic excellence,” Fier said. “One of our primary objectives is to prepare students so they can succeed professionally and ultimately become leaders in the risk and insurance industry. I enjoy working with our students both inside and outside of the classroom, and I take great satisfaction in their personal and professional achievements.”

Fier said he would be remiss if he didn’t acknowledge the constant support and guidance from Liebenberg, who won the same award in 2014 and 2010. Fier said Liebenberg has set the standard for teaching excellence in the RMI program.

“I am incredibly grateful to have been selected for this honor,” Fier said.

Full-time faculty members are eligible for the award. Each department within the business school can submit one nominee to the Office of the Dean, and the school’s executive committee selects the winner.


Andre P. Liebenberg

Liebenberg received his award at ARIA’s global conference in Munich, Germany, this past August. The award, created in 2007, is given only when an exceptional candidate emerges. It recognizes excellence in risk management and insurance teaching.

“I was very humbled,” Liebenberg said. “One of my mentors (Rob Hoyt) from the University of Georgia, where I got my Ph.D., won the award in 2007. I’ve always thought of him as an incredible teacher and someone I really look up to as a scholar and teacher. It was very humbling to be recognized with an award he previously received.”

The honor comes with a rigorous set of qualifications. Requirements include a teaching portfolio with a statement of teaching philosophy, summaries of student evaluations for at least two recent courses, grade distributions for several recent courses, a list of previous teaching awards, and letters of recommendation from students and colleagues. 

Fier and Liebenberg said they’re pleased to be a part of the UM risk management and insurance program, which has an award-winning group of instructors. The success of the group speaks to the university’s ability to attract and retain excellent teachers who are focused on their students, they said. 

Ken Cyree, dean of UM’s School of Business Administration, said the two professors’ commitment to high-quality teaching is a big reason that the Ole Miss RMI program is the ninth largest in the country, and he greatly appreciates their dedicated service to students. 

“We are thrilled and thankful for the recognition of the outstanding teaching of our risk management and insurance faculty,” Cyree said. “Both Drs. Liebenberg and Fier are dedicated teachers and scholars who understand the importance of doing an excellent job in preparing our students, and this recognition is a reflection of their dedication.”