It’s the time of year that we all come together to be thankful for what we have in our lives. If you’re associated with the University of Mississippi in any way, you have plenty to be thankful for. Over the next 29 days, we’ll share what we’re most thankful for at this great university.
Day 1: School Pride
Members of the Ole Miss family have a sense of pride that I haven’t seen surrounding any other institution of higher learning.
Whether it’s about our athletics or academic accomplishments, members of the Ole Miss family are invested. “All in,” if you will.
From getting chills (or in my case, tears) during a university television commercial to the range of emotions we all experience during any given athletics event (you know what I’m talking about), we love every part of our university.
Most of us can’t stop talking about “my school.” I will literally talk to anyone who will listen about everything Ole Miss. And I own what feels like hundreds of Ole Miss T-shirts. I know I’m not the only one.
Our marching band is called “The Pride of the South,” but alumni, students and fans make that much more than a name.
We’re proud. A degree from Ole Miss means more. The experience at Ole Miss means more. Our love for Ole Miss means more.
I hope that people who have attended other universities have a fraction of the pride that we all do about Ole Miss. Otherwise, they’re really missing out.
So on this first day of November, we’re thankful that we have a university we can be proud of and call home.