Pharmacy School Announces Alumni Weekend Activities

Mix includes class reunions, golf, continuing education and alumni awards

OXFORD, Miss.—The University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy is inviting all its graduates to return to the Oxford campus March 22-23 for Pharmacy Weekend 2013.

Celebrating reunions in conjunction with the event are the school’s classes of 1963, ‘73, ‘83, ’88 and ’93, and the Pharm.D. class of 2003.

Friday’s events begin with the School of Pharmacy Scholarship Golf Tournament. One-hundred percent of the tournament’s proceeds fund the Pharmacy Alumni Chapter’s Scholarship.

“After our third tournament last year, we raised enough money to fully endow the PAC scholarship,” said Scott Thompson, assistant director of Alumni Affairs. “Proceeds from this year’s and future tournaments will build that endowment, so we can either award more scholarships or increase the amount we give to the recipients.”

Player registration for the tourney, which takes place at the Ole Miss golf course, is due Thursday, March 14.

Friday’s events close with the dean’s reception at 6 p.m. in Brevard Hall, just off the Circle in front of the Lyceum. Hosted by David D. Allen, the pharmacy school’s dean, this year’s reception is sponsored, in part, by Bob Broadus and Allergan.

Saturday’s events begin at 8 a.m. with the annual Pharmacy Alumni and Continuing Education Breakfast in Gertrude C. Ford ballrooms A&B at The Inn at Ole Miss.

Continuing education programs begin at 9 a.m. in Gertrude C. Ford ballrooms C&D:

  • “Emergency Preparedness: The Role of the Pharmacist” by Julia Woods (Pharm.D.), pharmacy consultant to the Mississippi State Department of Health
  • “The Role of the Community Pharmacist in Cancer Care Today” by Tracy Brooks Ph.D.), UM  assistant professor of pharmacology
  • “Good Times, Bad Times: Antibiotics in the 21st Century” by Travis King (Pharm.D.), assistant professor of pharmacy practice

Activities Saturday evening include a 6 p.m. reception and awards banquet and reunion dinner in the Ford Ballroom at The Inn. In addition to honoring reunion classes at the banquet, the school will present its 2013 Distinguished Alumnus Award to Montez Carter of Athens, Ga., vice president of operations for St. Mary’s Health Care System Inc., and its 2013 Distinguished Service Award to John and Wendy McKinney of Moss Point, community pharmacists who filled prescriptions for Katrina survivors at a card table in the storm’s aftermath.

“Last year’s alumni weekend was memorable for me, because it was my first at Ole Miss,” Allen said. “This year’s event will be even more so, because I have met dozens (hundreds?) of our graduates since becoming dean. It’s going to be awesome to reconnect with them, and I trust it will be just as enjoyable for them to reconnect with each other, our faculty and our students.”

To register for alumni weekend, visit or contact Jo Von Reed at 662-915-7375 or Onsite registration for weekend events, except the golf tournament, is from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Inn’s lobby Friday and from 7:30-11 a.m. Saturday at the doors to the Inn’s Ford ballrooms.

To register a team to play in the golf tournament, contact Thompson at 662-915-1878 or, or send your registration form to the Alumni Affairs Office, P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677. Registration forms were mailed mid-February.

Those wishing to sponsor the tournament, a hole or contest should also contact Thompson.