Green with Envy: Really Cool Marketing Tactic

Check out the Office of Sustainability's great Green Week 2014 promo


Ole Miss Athletics Director Ross Bjork poses with the Office of Sustainability’s awesome giant Green Week sign.

You may have seen a giant wooden Green Week sign making the rounds on campus and in Oxford. Apparently, the Center for Manufacturing Excellence can do anything. Well, maybe not anything, but I found out recently that they can cut wood into any shape you could ever want. (And, they have a 3-D printer, and they have a state-of-the-art factory floor and a bunch of other cool stuff.)

Cue some really creative people in the Office of Sustainability and you have a giant wooden Green Week sign. Genius!

Be on the lookout for it around town, and make sure to check out UM Green Week the week of April 21 on the Ole Miss campus.

Green Week in the library.

Green Week in the library.

Green Week at the bus stop.

Green Week at the bus stop.