OXFORD, Miss. – The use of rodents in examining alcohol use disorder is the topic for a virtual Oxford Science Cafe scheduled for Tuesday (Feb. 16).
The virtual program sponsored by the University of Mississippi Department of Physics and Astronomy will be hosted on Zoom beginning at 6 p.m. Nicholas Timme, a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Psychology at Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis will discuss “Examining compulsive drinking in a rodent model of alcohol use disorder.”
“Alcohol use disorder is a devastating disease that negatively affects millions of Americans and costs billions of dollars a year,” Timme said. “A key feature of AUD is compulsive drinking, wherein a person continues to consume alcohol despite negative consequences.”
Questions to be addressed during the 45-minute webcast include general theories of AUD and Timme’s research on compulsive drinking in a rodent model of AUD.
“In addition, I’ll talk about my somewhat unusual career path from physics to neuroscience,” he said.
To view the Science Cafe, do to https://olemiss.zoom.us/j/97568315885. You can also find details and recordings from previous sessions at https://www.phy.olemiss.edu/oxfordsciencecafe.
For more information about the Department of Physics and Astronomy, visit https://physics.olemiss.edu/.