The Artstor Digital Library is now available through the J.D. Williams Library at the University of Mississippi.
The resource was made possible through different funding sources, including the University Museum, Department of Classics, Department of Art, Department of Philosophy, Office of the Provost, College of Liberal Arts and the Library and a private donor. It also was made possible through a mixture of various library subject funds and additional funding from the Office of the Provost and the College of Liberal Arts.
“My contribution was in memory of my friend Robert P. Tettleton, who was chair of the art department from 1965 to 1977,” said Laura Harper, UM head of government information services and associate professor. “He retired in 1995, but continued teaching until 2000. A longtime member of Friends of the Library, he died Dec. 29, 2013.”
As a member of the library staff, Harper was aware of the efforts to put together the funding to acquire Artstor and thought a contribution in memory of Tettleton would be appropriate.
The Artstor Digital Library provides more than 1.6 million digital images in the arts, architecture, humanities and sciences with an accessible suite of software tools for teaching and research. The digital library serves educators, scholars, curators, librarians and students at more than 1,500 universities, community colleges, museums, libraries and K-12 schools in 48 countries worldwide.”
Collections are used for teaching and study in a wide range of subject areas, including art, architecture, music, religion, anthropology, literature, world history, American studies, Asian studies, classical studies, medieval studies and Renaissance studies.
“Through the cooperation of various campus units and donations, this superb resource is now available to UM faculty, staff, and students,” said Jessica Leming, UM visual collections librarian and assistant professor.”
For direct access to Artstor, visit