The Legacy of Jim and Donna Barksdale

Jim and Donna Barksdale were recently honored with the Ole Miss Women’s Council for Philanthropy’s Legacy Award. The Barksdales have touched many on the Ole Miss campus, giving both their time and resources to help improve education in the state sometimes one child at a time. The Barksdale name is attached to buildings and scholarships,Read the story …

A Legacy of Love for Ole Miss

Minor and Burns Halls Dedications

The University of Mississippi is evolving and growing. When you walk around campus, you see all the construction underway either of completely new structures, additions or renovations. Recently Miller Hall was demolished to make way for three new residence halls. Minor Hall was dedicated last April in honor of Lucian Minor, a 1937 graduate andRead the story …

The Quad: A Relaxing Spot on a Sunny Day

The Quad at Ole Miss Way back when I was a student here at Ole Miss, we could drive to the J.D. Williams Library. No, I’m not talking about turning up the Y off Rebel Drive and letting your friend out by the Lott Leadership building. I mean we could drive all the way upRead the story …

Behind the Scenes: Elie Wiesel

In a previous blog I talked about being able to interview Soledad O’Brien, and that reminded me of other interesting people I’ve met during my career at Ole Miss. In 2010, Holocaust survivor and humanitarian Elie Wiesel was the guest speaker for one of the Honors College’s convocations. The idea of speaking to him madeRead the story …

Martindale: Former Gym Transformed into Student Services Center

When I’m out and about around campus, I sometimes pass tour groups. Made up of one or two people or dozens at times, these are potential students and their parents being shown around campus by an orientation leader. If you want to learn about this campus, ask an orientation leader, which is what I did.Read the story …

The Man Behind Fulton Chapel

For most of us, the first time we stepped on the University of Mississippi campus as a student we entered Fulton Chapel. Home to orientation, theatre and musical productions and assemblies, Fulton Chapel is one of the most recognizable buildings on campus. It was built in 1927 and named after Robert Burwell Fulton, an AlabamaRead the story …

Fun Days on the Job: Interviewing Soledad O’Brien

I’ve been working as a broadcast communications specialist here for almost nine years now. In that time I’ve been able to interview a number of interesting people, including guest speakers like former CNN anchor Soledad O’Brien. Growing up, I watched “Murphy Brown”, a sitcom about a take-no-prisoners female journalist and I fell in love withRead the story …

Haunted Halls: Sam-Gerard

Each day when I walk around campus, I often think about the rich history Ole Miss has. Take for instance the names on the buildings. Who were those people? As a member of the University Communications staff, I work in Sam-Gerard Hall. According to Gerald Walton’s book, “The University of Mississippi: A Pictorial History,” the buildingsRead the story …