Most of us as University of Mississippi employees eagerly anticipate the arrival of annual Staff Appreciation Week. It’s somewhat like an extended break from our regular daily routines.
Starting Monday (May 13), staff members are offered a variety of events to enjoy at their leisure. Of all the activities scheduled, perhaps the awards ceremony on Friday (May 17) is what those honored find most gratifying.
The program begins at 9 a.m. in the Gertrude C. Ford Center for the Performing Arts. All staff members hired within the past year will be announced in the assembly. Afterward, long-standing employees will be presented either a certificate, lapel pin, plaque or keepsake in recognition of each person’s 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 30-plus years of service to the institution.
Before the program ends, Interim Chancellor Larry Sparks will present a select few employees with Outstanding Staff Awards. Jessica Coker-Hughes, Staff Council president, also will present Service Awards and give closing remarks. Recipients of these honors get monetary rewards as well as the traditional plaque.
Other activities scheduled during the week are as follow:
- Monday (May 13): a plant swap from 10 to 11 a.m. at the Grove Stage, a 10 a.m. StepUp at the Wellness Fair in front of the Lyceum and a Unity Walk at noon.
- Tuesday (May 14): 8 a.m. RebelWell 1-mile walk/run on the UM track, a 9 a.m. blood drive on the Grove Circle and line dancing at 9:30 a.m. in the Turner Center, Room 305.
- Wednesday (May 15): 10 a.m. music and meditation service in Paris-Yates Chapel, an 11 a.m. yoga and yogurt hour on the third floor of the Center for Manufacturing Excellence and a noon hands-on CPR course in the Turner Center, Room 113.
- Thursday (May 16): line dancing at 9:30 a.m. in the Turner Center, Room 305, a recipe swap at 10:30 a.m. in Bondurant Hall, Room 204C, and belly dancing at noon in the Turner Center, Room 125.
- Friday (May 17): the awards ceremony, an 11 a.m. staff lunch in the Paul B. Johnson Commons and games beginning at 1 p.m.