Officers for the 2018-19 MBA class at UM are (front, from left) Maranda Armstrong, vice president of finance; Mary-Morgan Coburn, vice president of social events; and Abbey Bufkin, vice president of communications and public relations and (back, from left) Chi Cunningham, vice president of recruitment; Quinn McKemey, co-president; John Irvine, co-president; and Blain Rose, vice president of community service. Bloomberg BusinessWeek has ranked the Ole Miss MBA program at No. 37 among American public universities. Photo by Andrew Nail
OXFORD, Miss. – The University of Mississippi’s Master of Business Administration program has been named as one of the nation’s best by Bloomberg BusinessWeek. The rankings, released Thursday (Nov. 8), place Ole Miss at No. 37 among American public universities.
For the 2018 edition, Bloomberg ranked MBA programs using four categories: Compensation, Learning, Networking and Entrepreneurship. The UM program came in at No. 28 in Entrepreneurship.
“We are excited about the success we have enjoyed in our MBA program, and the reflection of the quality of our program as indicated in these rankings,” said Ken Cyree, dean of the School of Business Administration. “These rankings are an indication of the dedicated faculty and staff who make the program successful, and our alumni who add depth with personal development programs for our students.
“We are especially proud of being ranked No. 28 in the area of entrepreneurship, as this is an up-and-coming part of the business school that has existed for less than a decade.”
All schools surveyed were required to submit employment data for the Class of 2017 following standards set by MBA Career Services and Employer Alliance, a trade group founded in 1994 to establish and collect consistent, comparable, peer-reviewed data.
“The reputation of our MBA program is a result of a team of faculty members who are highly qualified and intensely engaged with our students,” said Walter Davis, faculty adviser to the MBA program. “The faculty work hard to develop the professional skill set of our students.”
Bloomberg surveyed 26,699 MBA students, alumni and recruiters in 2018 about their goals and experiences. These rankings are based on their responses, as well as compensation and job placement data from each school. A full global ranking will be published Dec. 11.
“We are proud of our program and our most recent rankings,” said Ashley McGee, the program’s director. “Earning an MBA is going to give a person the opportunity to advance within their field and the flexibility to move across industries.
“At Ole Miss, we have the option of a one-year campus program, and the success of the program is a collaborative effort.”
Coming in at No. 71 overall, UM ranked ahead of Auburn, at No. 75; Syracuse, No. 77; Missouri, No. 82; and University of South Carolina, No. 86.