OXFORD, Miss. – University of Mississippi leaders will share results of the Campus Climate Survey to the campus community during a virtual presentation later this month.
Conducted last year, the survey asked students, faculty and staff about their campus experiences as they pertain to perceptions of inclusion and support. The results will aid efforts to create an open, fair and equitable environment for everyone in the UM community.
“Campus climate includes personal experiences, perceptions and university efforts, and is influenced by the attitudes, values and behaviors of students and employees,” said Shawnboda Mead, interim vice chancellor for diversity and community engagement. “This study was one active way to capture those experiences that positively and negatively influence feelings of inclusion and safety.”
The presentation, set for noon-1:30 p.m. Sept. 22, was originally scheduled for April, but was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The survey, which was administered in fall 2019 and analyzed by higher education consulting group Rankin & Associates last spring, originated from interested students, faculty and staff who thought the results would be crucial in improving the campus climate.
“The students, faculty and staff who took the time to share their voices have truly helped take steps toward making a difference for this campus community,” Mead said. “Completion of the survey provided critical insights into individual experiences and perceptions.
“Tuning in to hear the findings will give everyone a better understanding of where our campus community believes more work needs to be done. More importantly, participating in the forums that follow will provide an opportunity to determine specific action plans for improving campus climate and creating a more welcoming environment for all.”
Following the presentation, a feedback form will be made available at https://yourvoice.olemiss.edu/ to allow for further recommendations, and a minimum of five campus forums will be held to discuss the continued assessment and application of the results.
Anyone interested can also view the presentation slides, executive summary and full report at the same webpage beginning Monday (Sept. 14).
To register for the virtual presentation, visit https://yourvoice.olemiss.edu/.