In the 1970s television series “Wonder Woman,” Diana Prince is transformed from an exceptional special agent into the powerful Amazonian heroine with a few simple moves. Like the fictional character, Olivia Walt has evolved from a promising 2015 University of Mississippi general engineering graduate to director of business development at Yates Construction in Jackson. Walt,Read the story …
Meet Olivia Walt: ‘Wonder Woman’ of Yates Construction
General engineering alumna among company's youngest directors
Chemical Engineering Professors Lead Sustainable Energy & Environment Project
Wei-Yin Chen and Nosa Egiebor are co-principal investigators for collaborative $1.6 million grant
Two heads are better than one, especially when a multimillion-dollar research grant is involved. University of Mississippi chemical engineering professors Wei-Yin Chen and Nosa Egiebor are the co-principal investigators of the UM Sustainable Energy and Environment research group. SEE has been awarded $1.6 million of the National Science Foundation’s EPSCoR Track II grant for “CollaborativeRead the story …
16 UM Students Awarded Engineering Scholarships
Scholars are recipients of prestigious Brevard, John G. Adler and Harper Johnson gifts
Sixteen University of Mississippi students have been named scholarship recipients this fall in the School of Engineering. Representing Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana, they are this year’s Brevard, John G. Adler and Harper Johnson scholars. This exceptional group of students posted an average ACT score of 32.3 and an average 3.92 high school grade-point average. “EachRead the story …
Engineering Raises Admission Standards
Goal of move is to enhance student success
To enhance chances of success for its students, the School of Engineering at the University of Mississippi has raised admission standards for most of its degree programs. To enroll in the Bachelor of Science programs in chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer and information science, electrical engineering, geological engineering, geology, and mechanical engineering, students must haveRead the story …