OXFORD, Miss. – After a national search, University of Mississippi alumnus and Vanderbilt University administrator David F. Gregory has been named associate dean for academic affairs at the UM School of Pharmacy. Director for education, drug policy, research and clinical pharmacy services at Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Gregory succeeds Marvin C.Read the story …
David Gregory Named Pharmacy School’s Associate Dean
Alumnus to begin oversight of school's academic affairs Sept. 16
Tri-State Educational Foundation Establishes Pharmacy Scholarship
Donation honors the memory of alumnus Jim Haines
OXFORD, Miss. – The Tri-State Educational Foundation has established the James Robert Haines Memorial Scholarship at the University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy. TSEF has pledged $5,000 per year to the scholarship, starting with the 2013-14 school year. The scholarship will be awarded to pharmacy students in good standing who demonstrate financial needs, with firstRead the story …
UM Professor Honored by Czech University for Research Contributions
Samir Ross receives Silver Medal from Brno University in recognition of natural products research
OXFORD, Miss. – Samir Ross, professor of pharmacognosy and research professor in the Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Mississippi, was recently awarded a Silver Medal from the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno in the Czech Republic. The highest award given by the faculty of pharmacy at the university, theRead the story …
A Passion for Haiti
Medical mission turns into lifelong commitment for pharmacy and pre-med students
OXFORD, Miss. – When University of Mississippi students Andrew Smelser and Wesley Youngblood traveled to Haiti for the first time, they encountered what could only be described as an “eye-opening experience.” “I really was able to understand what a third-world hospital was like,” said Smelser, a native of Owens Cross Roads, Ala., who is enteringRead the story …
Pharmacy Professor Selected for National Faculty Scholars Program
NACDS Foundation program offers research, networking opportunities
OXFORD, Miss. – Meagan Brown, clinical assistant professor of pharmacy practice at the University of Mississippi, has been selected to participate in the National Association of Chain Drug Stores Foundation’s Faculty Scholars Program. The 2-year-old program is designed to mentor junior faculty at pharmacy schools across the country through pharmacy-based patient care research. The initiativeRead the story …
UM Researcher Receives International Group’s Lifetime Achievement Award
Award recognizes his contributions to science of Cannabis and its constituents
OXFORD, Miss. – The International Cannabinoid Research Society presented its Lifetime Achievement Award to a University of Mississippi researcher during its annual symposium in Vancouver, British Columbia. Mahmoud A. ElSohly, a research professor in UM’s National Center for Natural Products Research and a professor of pharmaceutics, as well as president of ElSohly Laboraties Inc. ofRead the story …
UM Botanist Has Exhibition at University Museum
Photos depict landscape and plants of Rowan Oak
OXFORD, Miss. – Photographs depicting the flora and landscape of Rowan Oak, shot by University of Mississippi botanist and pharmacognosist Edward Croom Jr., will be on display beginning Thursday, July 18 at the University Museum. “Faulkner’s Rowan Oak is a special sanctuary revealing the changes, mystery and beauty of the land,” Croom said. “Quoting Rumi,Read the story …
Pharmacy Student-Athletes in a League of Their Own
Blending sports with challenging academic provides unique challenges and satisfactions
OXFORD, Miss. – Studying pharmacy successfully requires exercising a measure of intellect and self-discipline every day. Studying pharmacy successfully while competing in intercollegiate athletics also requires daily megadoses of determination, commitment, time management and focus, plus a passion for both pharmacy and sports. “As a starter in basketball, (I) played 36 to 40 games aRead the story …
Marvin C. Wilson Retires as Pharmacy School’s Associate Dean
Administrator retiring after nearly 43 years of service to the school
OXFORD, Miss. – When budding pharmacists gather each spring to receive their coveted Doctor of Pharmacy degree, the moment is especially sweet for Marvin C. Wilson, the man who recruited many of them to the University of Mississippi. As he calls the graduates’ names, summoning each to cross the stage and receive their degree, WilsonRead the story …
Pharmacy School Creates Scholarship to Honor Retiring Associate Dean
Marvin C. Wilson lauded for contributions to school's programs and students
OXFORD, Miss. – When he officially retires Sunday (June 30) from the School of Pharmacy at the University of Mississippi, Marvin C. Wilson will leave a legacy that includes not only topnotch academic and student affairs programs but also a scholarship endowment to benefit future Ole Miss pharmacy students. The pharmacy school created a scholarshipRead the story …