Discussion on Constitution, National Security Sept. 17 Opens Weeklong Constitution Day Observance


OXFORD, Miss. – A free, public discussion titled “National
Security and the Constitution” opens a weeklong observance
of Constitution Day Monday (Sept. 17) at the University of

Set for 2 p.m. in the Lamar Law Center’s William Ethridge
Jr. Moot Court Room, the event features a three-member
panel who plan to address questions of the
constitutionality of laws, national security policies,
privacy and liberty, roles of the media and First Amendment

“In our times, no topic should concern a responsible
citizen more than the question of whether protecting
national security threatens our constitutional values,”
said panelist Matthew Hall, associate professor of law.

After tackling these questions from the perspectives of
law, political philosophy and journalism, the panelists
plan an open discussion with the audience.

Other panelists for the campuswide event are UM faculty
member Curtis Wilkie, Cook Chair in Journalism and a former
national and foreign correspondent for The Boston Globe;
and Kenneth Townsend, Barksdale Fellow in UM’s Sally
McDonnell Barksdale Honors College.

Throughout the week, a display is to be set up for public
viewing in the Student Union lobby featuring a copy of the
Constitution and free bookmarks bearing the Bill of Rights.
The Army ROTC plans to display a wall banner on the outside
of Barnard Hall, and all Greek houses have been asked to
display the American flag.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for the university to
further educate our students and the public about the U.S.
Constitution and what it means to live in a free country,”
said Jennifer Taylor, director of Campus Programming.

For more information on the panel discussion or to request
assistance related to a disability, call 662-915-6900.