UM engineering Dean Dean Alex Cheng (left) joins David Brevard; Ahmed Al-Ostaz, Brevard endowed chair of chemical engineering; and Bill Dykeman, president of the Engineering Advisory Board, for the dedication of a plaque honoring the school’s longtime benefactor Henry C. Brevard Jr. and his family. Photo by Bill Dabney/UM Foundation
OXFORD, Miss. – The University of Mississippi School of Engineering Advisory Board and Dean Alex Cheng recently unveiled a plaque in the lobby of Brevard Hall to honor UM alumnus and benefactor Henry C. Brevard Jr., of Tupelo, and his family.
Brevard, founder of B&B Concrete, provided substantial support creating a faculty chair endowment and a scholarship endowment that has helped more than 500 students attend the School of Engineering.
The 1943 civil engineering graduate and his family also contributed funds to renovate the landmark building on the Circle, known to generations of Ole Miss students and alumni as Old Chemistry, as the headquarters for the engineering school.
“Over the years, more than 500 students have benefited from the Brevard Family Scholarship, which allowed them to pursue engineering degrees at the university,” Cheng said. “The Brevard Family Endowed Chair enabled the engineering school to reward and retain its distinguished and highly productive faculty.”
Henry Faser, the university’s first dean of the School of Pharmacy, personally lobbied for construction of the building, which was started in 1921. When it opened in 1923, it housed the pharmacy school and the Department of Chemistry.
The building was rededicated as Brevard Hall in 2011 after a renovation that provided space for the dean’s office, two research centers and space for the departments of Civil Engineering and Geology and Geological Engineering.
Henry Brevard’s son, David, like his father, has been active in alumni and leadership roles at Ole Miss. He represented the family at the ceremony, enjoyed by the Advisory Board members, faculty, staff and friends.
“The dedication ceremony on April 1, 2011 to rename the Old Chemistry building in honor of my father and family was an unparalleled honor for our entire family,” David Brevard said. “The unveiling of the recognition plaque, which will be on permanent display inside Brevard Hall, is another extraordinary gesture by Dean Cheng, the School of Engineering and the university for our family.
“We are very blessed to be members of the Ole Miss family and thankful to be part of the support team for the School of Engineering and the entire university.”
Founded in 1900, the UM School of Engineering is the state’s oldest engineering school.
For information on supporting the School of Engineering, contact Denson Hollis, development director, at 662-915-5092 or dhollis@olemiss.edu, or visit http://www.umfoundation.com/makeagift.