Gregory Moore, CEO of AED Inc. Submitted photo
Giving to the University of Mississippi School of Engineering is something Greg Moore has done for many years. So when the alumnus recently became CEO of AED Inc., he naturally decided to continue supporting his alma mater.
“As a business leader with a marketing and business development background, the Ole Miss engineering school has provided a lot of very talented and tech-savvy engineers with a unique set of social skills that allow them to effectively communicate with their peers, but also the business and financial executives within a firm,” Moore said. “I have served on the engineering advisory board and have actively recruited and hired Ole Miss engineers.”
Moore is a model alumnus, said Kevin Gardner, UM development officer for the school.
“Greg Moore exemplifies all of what is best about Ole Miss engineering,” Gardner said. “Not only does he financially contribute to the school and its programs; he also serves as an adviser and recruits students as future employees for where he works.”
As chief executive officer, Moore works in coordination with AED chairman and founder Reginald Waters to leverage the firm’s strength in multiple segments to expand the scope of the company’s offerings and client base.
A native of Knoxville, Tennessee, Moore came to the university after being offered a scholarship.
“I fell in love while visiting, and it was the best decision I ever made,” he said. I” enjoyed a tremendous four years of personal growth and development, a wonderful education and an introduction to society and business. I also made lifelong friends and relationships that I exercise every day.”
Among Moore’s favorite professors were John Winkle and Mary Stuckey in political science and Dick Mackenzie and Bill Shugart in economics.
“All these people shaped my world view,” Moore said.
After earning his bachelor’s degree in public administration in 1991, Moore went on to earn a master’s degree in management from Florida Technical Institute.
Moore’s family includes his three sons: Ryan, an Ole Miss freshman; Nathan, a high school sophomore; and Bennett, a seventh grader.
Moore lists his favorite leisure activities as golf, hiking, anything in Oxford and the occasional glass of whiskey.