Frights, food and fun are the order of the evening when the University of Mississippi Department of Physics and Astronomy presents “Spooky Physics Demonstrations” from 7 to 9 p.m. Friday (Oct. 31) in Lewis Hall.
The program will include a stage show at 8 p.m. Hands-on activities for the public through the evening include freezing objects in liquid nitrogen (at minus 320 degrees), generating sound waves with Bunsen burners and tubes, and levitating magnets with superconductors. Other fun presentations include optical illusions with mirrors, a Van de Graaff generator (a literally “hair-raising” electrical device), a bed of nails and other contraptions.
Physics department personnel also will prepare ice cream with liquid nitrogen and award prizes for the most original, scariest and cutest costumes to kids 12 and under.
“We thought that Halloween could be a good opportunity to do some ‘spooky’ demos,” said Marco Cavaglia, associate professor of physics and coordinator of the evening’s activities. “Our graduate and undergraduate physics students are really enthusiastic about participating.”
Visitors will be able to park on All-American Drive. For more information or for assistance related to a disability, call the Department of Physics and Astronomy at 662-915-5325.