Landshark Tank Allows Students to Practice Presentations

Assistant Professor of Management Richard Gentry explains the benefits of the LandShark Tank contest.

Management professor Richard Gentry explains the benefits of the Landshark Tank contest.

Students had an opportunity to practice their presentation technique and win cash Tuesday night (Nov. 18) at the second Landshark Tank competition.

The event, hosted by the University of Mississippi’s Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, allows contestants to pitch their best business idea in two minutes or less. The judges were faculty and local entrepreneurs who offered feedback to students, allowing them to improve their technique.

The $300 first prize went to Stephen Greer for his business idea, University Exchange, which would let students create a business profile advertising their skills for hire so they can make extra cash. Second place went to William Ault for his University Valet business, which would give students the option to valet park on campus, and third place went to Babatunde Abioje for his Crowd Playlist idea, where customers can link their personal music playlist to the music player at a particular nightlife venue.

This competition, as well as other events, is designed to prepare students to pitch their ideas and business plans in a real-world scenario, said Richard Gentry, assistant professor of management.
Early next year, other events, such as Innovation Boot Camp and Startup Weekend, will be conducted to help students, Gentry said.

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