Leadership: Beyond You

Leadership. The word generally brings up an image of the head of an organization, perhaps a company, a community group, maybe even your boss. Leaders are those in charge. The ones making the decisions. Yes, this is true, however, each of us can be leaders even if we don’t immediately consider that label as applying to ourselves.

“It’s all about what you do beyond you and your impact on other people.” – Bill McDermott

Think of your life. Can you see the roles you fit into as a leader? Perhaps as a parent, a mentor, a friend, a spouse. Being a leader is more than just being the CEO of a company or the commander in chief. It is about being a role model, a person who can set an example for others as to the best course of action for them to take.

“I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be.” – Archbishop Desmond Tutu

We are all connected and being a leader means you recognize that to be the best you can be also means you need those around you to be the best they can be as well. You’ve heard the old saying, you’re only as good as your weakest link? A leader looks to help that weak link improve, thus improving the entire chain.

“Leadership is a daily exercise – you keep doing it even if you don’t see the immediate rewards.” – Simon Sinek

Being a leader means being selfless and understanding that your actions may not always give you recognition or a reward. But by doing something because it is right and will improve the lives of others is a reward in itself. Being a leader means setting a moral code and being determined to make a positive impact regardless of if you are given a pat on the back at the end of the day.

The value of life is always measured by how much of it was given away.” -Andy Stanley

According to Stanley, we tend to talk about how generous a person was at the end of their lives. Think about how generous you are in giving to others. This is not about money, but about time and wisdom. Leadership comes in the form of helping a younger colleague, listening to concerns from others, giving advice on how you handled a situation.

Being a leader means thinking beyond you. Notice those opportunities around you and take the steps to make a difference in the lives of those around you.