Libraries Wish List

The Times Digital Archive, 1785-2006

As the “world’s newspaper of record,” The Times of London has covered all major international events from the French Revolution to the War in Iraq. The Times Digital Archive, 1785-2006 makes 221 years of this highly regarded resource available for students and researchers of 19th-, 20th- and early 21st-century history and culture.

Cost: $35,000

University Canopy

The library’s instruction and outreach department could use a university canopy for orientation and other university events. The tent would be placed in high-traffic points on campus, where the library could collaborate with other departments and librarians would be placed closer to students during campus events.

Cost: $200


The J.D. Williams Library is successfully using an iPad as part of its “roving reference” service, where librarians walk through the building and help patrons. The University Libraries would like to acquire two more iPads to use in library instruction and outreach and also in collection maintenance in the library stacks and in the library’s remote-storage facility.

Cost: $1,000