Message from the Dean

Dear Friends,

I want to remind you of a special summer destination – the university library! This summer, as reported in this newsletter, we will be host­ing the “Manifold Greatness” travel­ing exhibit from May 29th through June 29th. This traveling exhibition, which marks the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible, was made possible by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Hu­manities. We invite you to all the special events planned to celebrate the exhibit.

While you’re here, another excit­ing display to visit is “We Shall Al­ways March Ahead: Mississippi and the Civil Rights Movement,” located in the Faulkner Room on the third floor of the library. This exhibit, prepared by the staff of Archives and Special Collections, is available from 8 a.m. through 5 p.m. Monday- Friday. Related to this exhibit are a number of digitized collections that can be accessed online anytime at While the collections in Archives and Special Collections cannot be checked out, most of our regular collections do circulate. We encour­age you to request a free borrower’s card from our circulation desk that allows you to borrow books, films, music, government documents and even maps. We are the only region­al depository for U.S. government documents in the state of Mississippi and are quite proud of our exten­sive document collections.

We hope to see you at the library this summer!


Julia Rholes

Dean of University Libraries