OXFORD, Miss. – The National Sea Grant Law Center at the University of Mississippi School of Law has launched a shellfish aquaculture podcast.
The eight-episode “Law on the Half Shell” podcast is part of a National Sea Grant College Program-funded collaboration to examine impediments to shellfish aquaculture across the United States. Kerrigan Herret, a student in the UM School of Journalism and New Media, provided editorial and production assistance for the podcast.
The shellfish industry is growing in coastal areas, with many states actively encouraging the development and expansion of shellfish aquaculture; however, the landscape facing the industry can be confusing and complicated. In “Law on the Half Shell,” NSGLC attorneys delve into the “who, what, where and why” of shellfish aquaculture, as well as the many legal challenges that can impede domestic aquaculture development.
Podcast guests include James Gledhill, a graduate student in the Department of Biomolecular Science at Ole Miss, who discusses shellfish biology and the role that shellfish play in the ecosystem, and Sam Chan, statewide aquatic invasive species specialist with Oregon Sea Grant, who discusses the impact of invasive species on farms.
The following episodes will be released on Tuesday of each week:
- Episode 1 (released Nov. 5): The Basics – who does it, where it occurs, who regulates it and where the farmed shellfish go
- Episode 2: Shellfish 101 – shellfish biology and the role that shellfish play in the ecosystem
- Episode 3: Leasing – the leasing and permitting process for shellfish aquaculture operations
- Episode 4: Freshwater – the impact of freshwater quality and quantity on shellfish aquaculture
- Episode 5: Impact of Storms and Other Disasters – impact of storms and other disasters on shellfish aquaculture operations, including resources available to assist in recovery
- Episode 6: Invaders – the impact of invasive species and other unwanted guests on shellfish farms
- Episode 7: Zoning – shellfish aquaculture at the local level and an exploration of the impact of local land-use decisions
- Episode 8: Bonus episode – interesting facts about shellfish aquaculture.
For more information and links to the episodes, visit http://nsglc.olemiss.edu/lawonthehalfshell/. For more information on the NSGLC, contact Terra Bowling at tmharget@olemiss.edu.