Sacrificing for Success

Journey to Commencement: Aaron White foregoes time with his family to pursue pharmacy

There are no limits to the sacrifices parents will make for their families. Just ask Aaron White.

The first-year student pharmacist from Madison makes a tough choice every Sunday evening as he drives the two-and-a-half hours from Madison to Oxford after spending the weekend with his wife, Lauren, and their 3-year old son, Walter.

Aaron spends Monday through Friday studying at the University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy, often arriving at school at 8 a.m. and leaving after 8 p.m., finishing everything he needs to do so that when the weekend comes around again, he can focus on his family.

On May 11, when he receives his Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences degree, he’ll be one step closer to his goal of becoming a pharmacist and living with his family again.

Click the image below to read White’s story, which is part of the “Journey to Commencement” series that highlights University of Mississippi students and their academic and personal journeys from college student to college graduate.

Sacrificing for Success