Saying Yes to Selfless Service

Journey to Commencement: Anatomy graduate Edgar Meyer makes serious impact across UMMC campus

On any given day, you can find Edgar Meyer darting around the University of Mississippi Medical Center, being on opposite ends of the campus in the same day as he goes from Associated Student Body roundtables, alumni events, interfaith dialogues and the anatomy labs on the seventh floor of the old hospital.

How does one student end up serving on no fewer than 20 campus committees while writing a dissertation and handling teaching assistantship duties?

“I’m a bit of a ‘yes man,'” said Meyer, who is graduating with a Ph.D. in clinical anatomy from the School of Graduate Studies in the Health Sciences.

Click the image below to read Meyer’s story, which is part of the “Journey to Commencement” series that highlights University of Mississippi students and their academic and personal journeys from college student to college graduate.

Saying Yes to Selfless Service