SITREP for May 13, 2010


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The weather today was less than perfect so we focused on extending our search for the deep plumes further to the west and southwest as shown in the attached map and table.  Although the fluorescence signal dropped out after about 5 miles from the site, a significant signal remains in the transmissometer and oxygen signals even 20 miles from the well.  We will extend this southwest line for at least another 5 miles tomorrow and then will repeat the earlier line over the strongest signals in order to evaluate any changes that may have taken place in these layers during the last week. We have also been collecting some water samples, including some for trace metal analyses by Dongjoo Joung, a student at USM.  Because of the rough seas, we were not able to use the small boat so he used a PVC pole instead.  

Our plans for the rest of the cruise, should weather permit, will be to acquire at least one more core sample at the site 1 mile south of the well where we found the amphipods, and to continue the deep CTD, surface water sampling, and perhaps the Acrobat transects, should interesting signals be detected in the upper water column. As always, we welcome your input for prioritizing our final days of sampling.