‘Skip the Risk’ Videos Highlight Dangers of Alcohol Abuse

Office of Health Promotions

Office of Health Promotions

There’s a new campaign on the Ole Miss campus that has produced some pretty neat videos addressing alcohol use on college campuses. Check out the videos here and also check Instagram.com throughout the week for more videos.

Plus, there are free stickers, buttons and other items being distributed this week by students, faculty and employees all surrounding the new “Skip the Risk” campaign. (Students, take a minute to go by the Office of Health Promotion to get your stickers and buttons and wear them this week as a sign of support, leadership and responsibility.)

According to those behind the campaign, the overall message is to build healthier attitudes and practices regarding alcohol use and provide leadership in adopting and developing practices in prevention. Erin Cromeans, assistant director of health promotion, said the developers want students to understand what it means to be responsible.

Just like the tagline states, “Be a Rebel, Party Responsibly.” For more information about the Skip the Risk campaign, contact Cromeans at elmurphy@olemiss.edu or at 662-915-6543.