Take Advantage of RebelWell’s Nutrition Counseling

RebelWell offers a variety of healthy opportunities, such as nutrition counseling and faculty and staff group fitness classes.

RebelWell offers a variety of healthy opportunities, such as nutrition counseling and faculty and staff group fitness classes.

I consider myself the worst kind of client for a nutritionist. I eat fast food all the time, I don’t cook and I’m usually grabbing food on the go. So when I scheduled an appointment with RebelWell’s registered dietician Mariana Anaya, I assumed I would be told to leave because there’s no help for me once I explained my lifestyle.

Not at all. In fact, it was quite the opposite.

Mariana took what I told her and gave me list upon list of what I could take on the go or would involve very little preparation time. She explained exactly what I need, what to avoid and what my best nutrition options are based on my personal needs and schedule.

The consultation includes everything from evaluating your eating patterns and working on a lifestyle change to discussing the portion size of your meals, which means getting plenty of meal ideas and grocery lists.

Fresh fruits and vegetables, such as those available and the Food Day Festival and Farmer's Market on campus, are great healthy options.

Fresh fruits and vegetables, such as those available and the Food Day Festival and Farmer’s Market on campus, are great healthy options.

I can’t explain how excited I am to start this new nutritious lifestyle. We all know what we’re supposed to eat, but sometimes that’s hard when you can’t cook all the time.

The RebelWell program offers a variety of opportunities for Ole Miss employees to learn and keep a healthy lifestyle, such as group fitness classes and cooking demonstrations. The nutrition counseling can focus on weight management, heart disease, diabetes or any health condition that concerns you.

So if you’re looking to stay healthy on a busy schedule, go see her! And if you like to cook, you have even more options.

The consultation is $10 for 30 minutes for faculty and staff, and the first consultation is free for students. To schedule an appointment contact Mariana Anaya at maanaya@olemiss.edu.