UM Department of Physics and Astronomy graduate student Ola Nusierat, shares her research at a recent conference.
OXFORD, Miss. – The University of Mississippi is scheduled to host a prestigious Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics in January.
The three-day event, set for Jan. 16-18, is one of six regional meetings nationally sponsored by the American Physical Society and the National Science Foundation.
Co-sponsored locally by UM’s Department of Physics and Astronomy, College of Liberal Arts, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs and others, the Southeastern conference program includes research talks by prominent female physicists from academia and industry. Panel discussions on graduate programs, career opportunities and diversity issues in the workplace, a poster session for students and talks by young participants and graduate students are also slated.
“Every year five to six regional CUWIP conferences take place simultaneously across the United States,” said Marco Cavaglia, UM associate professor of physics and astronomy and one of three faculty members coordinating the program. “This year, UM was selected on a competitive basis to host the Southeastern conference. This is a great achievement for us.”
As pre-registration continues, anticipation for the conference is rising as well.
“Everybody involved recognizes the importance of UM hosting this conference,” said Cecille Labuda, assistant professor of physics and astronomy and conference co-coordinator.
“We’re looking forward to hosting tens of the brightest young minds in physics from the region,” said Luca Bombelli, associate professor of physics and astronomy and co-coordinator. “These students will become tomorrow’s much-needed physics teachers and researchers.”
For more information, visit http://www.aps.org/programs/women/workshops/cuwip.cfm and the UM local conference website at http://www.umcuwip.org/.