Jackie Certion helps distribute toys during 2015 Books and Bears event. Photo by Kevin Bain/Ole Miss Communications
‘Tis the season to be good, not naughty. It’s time to add a little “ho-ho-ho!” to your “Hotty Toddy.”
Donations for the 19th annual Books and Bears program will be accepted Nov. 28 through Dec. 14. All the collected toys and books will be given away Dec. 16 to the children of employees in the University of Mississippi Facilities Management Department. The distribution site will be either the university’s Jackson Avenue Center or the Gertrude Ford Ballroom of the Inn at Ole Miss.
Donations can be dropped off at the following locations: third floor of the School of Law; Graduate School; second floor of Vardaman Hall; first floor of Ventress Hall; Office of the Provost in the Lyceum; ticket office in the Gertrude C. Ford Center for the Performing Arts; Howry Hall, Room 308; Hume Hall, Room 305; Farley Hall; Yerby Center; Career Center in Martindale Hall; Powers Hall; and the Lucky Day Residential College.
“Help spread the word,” said Donald Cole, associate provost and assistant to the chancellor for multicultural affairs. “Thank you for having a big, big caring heart and a burning desire to be a blessing to others in your UM family as we enter the holiday season!”
For more information, contact Jackie Certion at 662-202-2932.
So be a Santa and not a Scrooge this Christmas. While you’re rushing out to Wal-Mart, Toys ‘R Us, Target or wherever you do your Christmas shopping, pick up an extra bike, doll, teddy bear, computer or board game, or a book (or two). Knowing some child’s Christmas morning will be a lot brighter because you cared enough to support the Bears and Books program should make you feel really good.