OXFORD, Miss. – A leading figure in educational neuroscience will share her findings on brain research and instruction Thursday (April 10) at the University of Mississippi. Tulane University researcher Janet “Dr. Z” Zadina is the keynote speaker for “Accessing the Reward Pathways of the Brain: Promoting Learning & Retention.” She plans to discuss “Learning andRead the story …
Educational Neuroscientist to Discuss Learning Strategies at UM
'Dr. Z' presenting free seminar April 10
Civil War Research Lecture
Civil War Historian to Deliver Burnham Lecture
OXFORD, Miss. – Carol Reardon, military historian of the Civil War, will discuss providing for the families of Gettysburg’s fallen soldiers April 17 at the University of Mississippi. Reardon’s presentation, at 6 p.m. in the Overby Center Auditorium, is free and open to the public. Named the 2014 Burnham Lecturer in Civil War History, Reardon plans to examine “SorrowRead the story …
Annual Greek Cup Set for April 5-6 on Campus
Event by Alpha Tau Omega fraternity will raise money for the Ole Miss Collegiate Recovery Community
OXFORD, Miss. – The annual Alpha Tau Omega fraternity Greek Cup is set for this weekend with teams from different sororities competing in five events to raise money for the Collegiate Recovery Community (CRC) at Ole Miss. This is the first year ATO has partnered with the CRC. In previous years, the event has raisedRead the story …
UM Pack-A-Thon Prepares More than 153,000 Meals to Fight Child Hunger
Annual event, held in conjunction with Feed the Hunger, drew more than 500 volunteers, raised $42,000
OXFORD, Miss – The University of Mississippi community packed some 153,840 meals the weekend of Feb. 28-March 1 during Pack-A-Thon, a community service program organized by Feed the Hunger organization. The meals will be sent to Kenya to feed malnourished children. Nearly 560 faculty, staff, students and members of the Oxford community – including a team of currentRead the story …
Third Annual Music of the South Symposium Focuses on Songwriters
Amy Andrews, Tyler Keith and the Water Liars to perform April 2
OXFORD, Miss. – Songwriters often express their emotions through combining lyrics and music, and their efforts are the focus of the third annual Music of the South Symposium. Set for April 2-3 at the University of Mississippi, the symposium will gather scholars and students to share research on the culture, meaning and practices surrounding songwritingRead the story …
Inaugural Kevser Ermin Memorial Lecture to Focus on Bone Health
Noted researcher Kathleen Janz to speak April 3
OXFORD, Miss. – The first Kevser Ermin Memorial Lecture in Health and Kinesiology, set for Thursday (April 3) at the University of Mississippi, will focus on the relationship between physical activity and bone health. Kathleen Janz, a professor of community health and exercise physiology at the University of Iowa, will speak about jump-starting bone healthRead the story …
Free Legal Advice For Family Law Issues April 3
A FREE FAMILY LAW LEGAL CLINIC sponsored by the UM Law School’s Pro Bono Initiative and the Mississippi Volunteer Lawyers’ Project on April 3 at 1:00 at the law school. Attorneys and law students will provide free legal advice and assist with drafting complaints for divorce, guardianship, custody and visitation, and child support on April 3. Call (601) 960-9577 toRead the story …
‘Skip the Risk’ Videos Highlight Dangers of Alcohol Abuse
There’s a new campaign on the Ole Miss campus that has produced some pretty neat videos addressing alcohol use on college campuses. Check out the videos here and also check Instagram.com throughout the week for more videos. Plus, there are free stickers, buttons and other items being distributed this week by students, faculty and employees all surroundingRead the story …
UM Accepts Health and Wellness Grant from BCBS of Mississippi Foundation
New RebelWell program will use $250,000 to expand community's health, nutrition and exercise options
OXFORD, Miss. – With a grant of nearly $250,000, the Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation is helping to expand fitness and nutrition programs at the University of Mississippi. The foundation announced the grant for RebelWell, a new program name penned for the expanded offerings, Monday (March 24) on the Ole Miss campus.Read the story …
Southern Literary Festival Returning to UM
Annual event March 27-29 to coincide with Conference for the Book
OXFORD, Miss. – A popular gathering for student writers and their faculty mentors returns to the University of Mississippi this month. The Southern Literary Festival, scheduled for March 27-29, will be held in conjunction with the Oxford Conference for the Book, another annual event that has brought together both established authors and rising stars inRead the story …