OXFORD, Miss. – Dr. Hubert Spears has joined the physician staff of the University of Mississippi Employee Health Center, bringing more than 30 years of medical experience, new areas of expertise and his “careful and kind” approach to serving patients.
Spears, a native of Grenada who earned his M.D. from UM in 1980, has a surgical background, which adds to the services offered at the health center for employees. He joins Dr. Jean Gispen at the health center, which gives the center two doctors to see patients. Spears, who joined the staff in January, said he’s excited to be on campus.
“I’m an Ole Miss grad and I’ve always thought the Ole Miss campus is one of the best places in the world,” Spears said. “I’m enjoying being here.”
He said he’s also looking forward to working with and learning from a doctor the caliber of Gispen, who has been a staff physician at the health center since 2005.
Before coming to the Oxford campus, Spears was a general surgeon with the UM Medical Center at Grenada, and he also had a general surgery practice in Grenada. Before he moved there, he practiced general surgery in Oxford for more than 20 years.
“A good portion of my practice has always been surgery,” Spears said. “I won’t be doing much surgery here, but I can do some things that Dr. Gispen hasn’t been doing, little minor procedures like removing skin cancers, ingrown toenails, and things like that will be beneficial.”
The employee health center, part of the V.B. Harrison Health Center on Rebel Drive, offers care for acute medical problems, general wellness examinations, laboratory testing, radiology services, immunizations and, now, some light surgical services.
Gispen said she’s happy to have Spears at the center.
“Because Dr. Spears has surgical training, he can do skin biopsies, incise and drain abscesses, and sew lacerations,” Gispen said. “This broadens the scope of what Employee Health Services can offer, as I do not biopsy skin lesions or sew. He also has excellent skills in family practice and internal medicine, learned from years of pre-op and post-op care of his surgical patients.
“He is a careful and kind physician.”
Having a second doctor has improved patient service, said Dr. Travis Yates, director of the University Health Services.
“I am very pleased to have Dr. Spears on board in Employee Health, as he offers an additional source of compassionate and competent care that our faculty and staff have become accustomed to,” Yates said. “He has already had an impact in reducing the number of delayed appointments as compared to last fall, prior to his arrival.”
Yates expects Spears to be an asset to the health center for years to come.
“I anticipate that our staff and faculty will develop an appreciation for his care and expertise,” Yates said. “I feel fortunate to have attracted a physician with his experience to our staff and look forward to enjoying a long term relationship with him.”