Staff Appreciation Week Offers a Variety of Fun Events

Photo by Robert Jordan/Ole Miss Communications

Photo by Robert Jordan/Ole Miss Communications

The University of Mississippi Staff Council will celebrate Ole Miss staff members May 16-20 with Staff Appreciation Week.

The weeklong celebration will include learning opportunities, fun and active events and social gatherings. Staff members are also invited to access the Turner Center facilities free of charge during the entire week, just by showing a staff ID card.

Here is a full schedule of events:


“Plants that Work Well in Your Yard” – 10-11 a.m., Student Union, Room 404. Jeff McManus, director of Landscape Services, will present a fun and informative lecture on home landscaping, followed by a Q&A session.

Kick Off to a Healthy Staff Appreciation Week – 11 a.m.-noon, Manning Center. RebelWell will host light yoga in the Manning Center. Staff will exercise with some members of the Ole Miss athletics staff.

Maintenance Monday 4-5 p.m., Ole Miss Bike Shop. The UM bike mechanic will teach participants how to keep their bikes in working order to improve safety, comfort and speed. To register for the workshop, email

Aqua Aerobics 5:15-6:15 p.m., Turner Center pool. Staff members are invited to bring their swimsuits for this fun, high-resistance workout. This cardio workout, in deep or shallow water, will support the body to reduce the risk of muscle and joint injury.



Mississippi Blood Services Blood Drive 9 a.m.-4 p.m., the Circle. Mississippi Blood Services will have their coach bus in the Circle throughout the day for anyone that wants to give life and donate blood. All donors get a T-shirt and great prizes and giveaways will be available. To donate, bring a form of identification.

Learn First Aid and CPR 10-11 a.m., Yerby Center Conference Room. Learn the basics of first aid and CPR through a demonstration of safety procedures.

Zumba 4-5 p.m., Grove Stage (Rain location: Student Union, Room 405). Get in your exercise while dancing by participating in this group fitness event in the Grove. All you need is workout clothes and tennis shoes to join in on one of the most popular workout routines.

Aqua Aerobics 5:15-6:15 p.m., Turner Center pool. Come back to the Turner Center for round two of aqua aerobics to get some more cardio in before the end of the day.



Mississippi Blood Services Blood Drive 9 a.m.-4 p.m., the Circle. Mississippi Blood Services will be back for a second day, for anyone wanting to donate blood.

Music and Meditation – 10-11 a.m., Paris-Yates Chapel. Join the Staff Council for “The UM Family: A Celebration of Togetherness” that will include inspirational messages and music from talented staff members.

Belly Dancing 2-3 p.m., Student Union, Room 405. Learn a fun and quick choreographed belly dance with fellow staff members to stay active and increase confidence. Staff members will learn foundational moves of the Middle Eastern dance, including shimmies, hip drops, turns and traveling movements. You’ll laugh and sweat a lot!



Plant Swap 10-11:30 a.m., Student Union porch (Rain location: Union Lobby). Bring a plant (or three) and swap them with friends to add variety to homes with duplicate plants. To participate, make sure the plants you wish to swap are rooted and have a card with the common name and planting directions. This year, seeds can also be swapped by placing them in a labeled envelope or closed plastic bag for exchange.

Yoga and Yogurt 12:30-1:30 p.m., Student Union, Room 404. At this RebelWell event, a fitness instructor will teach participants “desk yoga,” which will help refresh you throughout the workday for those short on time. This 20-minute yoga instruction session will be followed by a complimentary yogurt retreat.

Aqua Aerobics 5:15-6:15 p.m., Turner Center pool. Join the Staff Council once again for core, arm and leg exercises at the Turner Center.



Staff Recognition Awards Ceremony 9 a.m., Gertrude C. Ford Center for the Performing Arts. Chancellor Jeff Vitter, Director of Admissions Whitman Smith and the Staff Council honor employees who have served the university from five years to 47 years, as well as recognizing outstanding staff members. Door prizes will be awarded at the conclusion, but you must be present to win!

Staff Lunch 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Rebel Market. Join the Staff Council for lunch at the Rebel Market, inside Paul B. Johnson Commons.

Basketball Tournament 1-3:30 p.m., Turner Center. A three-on-three basketball tournament for staff members. To register, contact Sovent Taylor at by Wednesday (May 18).

Kickball 1-3:30 p.m., Intramural Fields. Throwback to your childhood with an exciting game of kickball. There will be two teams, with 10 members per team, but the winner will have all the bragging rights. Deadline to register is Tuesday (May 10). Email the registration form to

Karaoke 1-3:30 p.m., Student Union Lobby. Show off your talents and mingle with fellow staff members by belting out those tunes! A wide variety of musical selections is available, so don’t be shy. Prizes will also be awarded.

Bingo 1-3:30 p.m., Student Union Food Court. Everyone will receive one card for each unwrapped white elephant gift you bring, which is something you have at home that’s usable, but that you no longer need or want. Additional bingo cards can be purchased for $1, which proceeds benefitting the Children of Staff Scholarship Fund. For a bonus, bring your extra dollars for the Jar of Dollars, where each dollar you put in buys a chance to win all the money in the jar! This is optional, but someone has to win and it might be you!

Field Day 1-3:30 p.m., Intramural Fields and the Circle. Remember how great field day was in grade school? Relive those days with this event, hosted by RebelWell. Teams of five will compete in classic games such as the three-legged race, tug of war and a trike race. Register to compete by Wednesday (May 18).